07588 603964

On Monday 6th June 2011, I opened my doors and began my first cheerleading classes. During the first year, we only ran classes on a Monday evening and built a stepping stone for the business to grow. The second year saw a second evening added to the week; this filled up over the year and became the success I had hoped it to be. Year three, came along so another day was added to the week. Now, we have our own cheerleading gym and run cheer and tumbling classes 6 days per week. Within each class we make sure that each child has precious time that they need to express themselves and find confidence in what they are doing. TKT cheerleading gives the children a place to go and something to do, but also helps keep children fit. One of the challenges young people face today is recognising and developing their gifts and talents. Through tumbling, stunting and dancing TKT gives confidence to children, teaches athletic skills and promotes health.
We have a beautiful facility located in Hinckley, Leicestershire. .
Our address is: George Street, Hinckley, Leicestershire. LE10 0AL.
Our facility is approximately 2000 sq. ft. We have excellent equipment to teach and train our students safely. Our features include:
Sprung floor
Tumble track
Training mats and aids
Air track